Dec 21, 2013

Check: Is Thailand so special in protest cycle between the rich urban and poor rural?

Asia Unbound » Thailand’s Political Crisis—Not so Unique

But in many ways, Thailand is not so unique, and there are lessons to be learned from other democratizing nations—once Thai opinion leaders get beyond the idea of Thai uniqueness. Many countries have made a gradual transition to democracy only to find that some segments of the middle class and elite dislike the shift in power engendered by democratization, and look to extra constitutional means of subverting democracy. In countries like Spain, for instance, remnants of the military/bureaucratic/business elite repeatedly tried to bring down elected governments in the late 1970s and early 1980s. But as King Juan Carlos and other top military leaders repeatedly stymied coups and other interventions, it became accepted that coups were no longer feasible in Spain, and most elites reconciled themselves to democratic politics.


Similarly, other countries in the region have made a gradual transition toward building trusted formal institutions of conflict mediation and away from having disputes mediated by informal institutions gathered around one or two top leaders, as was common in Suharto’s Indonesia and has been the case with Thailand’s network monarchy for years. Indonesia slowly has built a more stable and trusted court system, and more trusted institutions designed to monitor elections and address potential electoral fraud. Poorer than Thailand, and in many ways far more divided and harder to govern, Indonesia nonetheless has created reasonably stable formal institutions, allowing politics to be channeled through a system, and no longer through the hands of a small handful of men and women.

Dec 20, 2013

Check: Abducted Taiwanese Tourist Rescued in the Philippines - Southeast Asia Real Time

Abducted Taiwanese Tourist Rescued in the Philippines - Southeast Asia Real Time - WSJ

This abduction incident actually has a meaning in Taiwan-Philippines relations.

Since the 2013 Guang Da Xing No. 28 incident, Taiwan and the Philippines have a bad bilateral relations. However the quick and generous response of the Taiwanese government to the Philippines after the attack of Typhoon Haiyan. the Philippines acted proactively when they received a request from Taiwan side. Hence, it was said that the incident created an opportunity of cooperation between the Taiwanese and the Philippines government. The cooperation signify a repair of relations between Taipei and Manila.

More about the incident:

KMT legislator says kidnap victim alive, heads to Malaysia - Taipei Times

Dec 17, 2013

On SouthEast Asia Game and Myanmar


Asia Unbound » Myanmar’s SEA Games Success a Positive Omen

in many respects the Southeast Asian Games, which are really Myanmar’s reentry to the regional/international stage, appear to be a success for the home country. (So far—one never knows when something disastrous could happen in Myanmar.) The infrastructure built and refitted for the Games has held up well, a sharp contrast from events in other countries in the region, like the recent Commonwealth Games in India during which the facilities appeared to be falling apart and the athletes’ areas were so dirty they caused a minor scandal in India. Many athletes, officials, and other foreign visitors have praised the ease of travel in Yangon, hardly a given, and also have praised the availability of assistance in English and other regional languages at the Games.

Dec 16, 2013