Jun 23, 2014

The problem of Cambodian People’s Party: authoritarianism

As a political party in an authoritarian country, the ruling style of the ruling party of course is authoritarian. However, as a party who face decline of popularity and rising opposition, the authoritarianism now become the obstacle not only to the country's own development but also to the party survival. Phoak Kung suggested the rooted problem of the Cambodian People's Party, authoritarianism, would eventually bring the party down.

The Cambodian People's Party: A Deficit of Leadership | The Diplomat

He said:

This problem has deep and serious implications. It seriously undermines the party's ability to accurately assess Cambodia's changing political landscape. Moreover, if public servants are not happy with their ministers, and there is no way for them to get their message across within the party, they are left with no choice but to denounce their own party. It is no coincidence that anonymous letters accusing some ministers of corruption and nepotism have circulated in social media. Of course, it is extremely hard, if not impossible, to verify the authenticity of these letters. Still, they suggest that discontent toward the government is real.
The CPP's leaders should encourage party members to take the initiative and reward them for results. Public servants in the middle and lower ranks should be granted some authority to make decisions, so that they need not always wait for their leaders' approval. These changes would significantly accelerate the reform process and reduce unnecessary delays.
The successful adoption of these reforms would benefit everyone. The CPP's leadership will have a better chance restoring public trust and winning back the support. Public servants will have more authority and freedom to do their work and will be fairly rewarded if they produce results. And the people of Cambodia will benefit from a more effective public sector.


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